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Agility at the heart of Skillagora's strategy

Margaret Fuller quote

What is agile learning?

How does Skillagora integrate it into its strategy?

From the oral transmission of ancestral knowledge to modern educational methods, learning has constantly evolved to meet the changing needs of society.

In today's constantly changing world, agile learning and collective intelligence are emerging as key approaches to shaping the future of training.

Agile learning is a concept borrowed from the Agile methodology used in software development.

This approach emphasizes flexibility, collaboration and responsiveness to change to achieve objectives more effectively.


  1. Flexibility: Learning programs are designed to adapt to learners' individual needs. Instead of a rigid model, learners can personalize their learning path.
  2. Collaboration: It encourages collaboration between learners, teachers and experts. Learners learn from each other, share ideas and solve problems together.
  3. Continuous iterations: Learning programs are constantly re-evaluated and improved based on learner feedback. This enables rapid adaptation to new information and changes in society.
  4. Accessibility: Agile Learning enables employees to learn anytime, anywhere and from any device, supporting a continuous learning environment in and out of the office.
  5. Promotes communication: It's essential to ensure that employees fully understand the subject matter. Because agile learning fosters communication and collaboration, employees and trainees often have the opportunity to ask questions or send feedback, improving overall training and effectiveness. Ultimately, this reduces frustration and stress, and leads to better results.

And Skillagora?

Our tool takes all these elements into account, integrating collective intelligence. Collective Intelligence is defined as the ability of groups to solve problems more effectively and creatively than isolated individuals. Collective Intelligence is an essential component of agile learning, as it fosters collaboration and collaborative learning.

When collective intelligence is integrated into agile learning, it offers:

  • Diversity of perspectives: Collective intelligence values diversity of viewpoints. In an agile learning environment, learners come from a variety of backgrounds and bring unique perspectives, enriching the learning experience.
  • Knowledge sharing: Collective intelligence encourages the sharing of knowledge and skills. Learners contribute to the community by sharing their skills and teaching others, reinforcing mutual learning.
  • Collective problem solving: Groups of learners collaborate to solve complex problems, using Collective Intelligence to find innovative solutions.
  • Feedback and feedback: Collective intelligence involves collecting opinions and feedback from the community. This enables learners to adjust their learning in real time.

Key benefits:

  • Adaptability: learners can adapt quickly to change
  • Engagement: Learners are more motivated and engaged when they have control over their own learning and work collaboratively with others.
  • Innovation: Collective intelligence fosters innovation by enabling the co-creation of new ideas and solutions.
  • Continuous learning: Agile learning and collective intelligence encourage lifelong learning, which is essential in a constantly changing world.

See also the Forbes article on peer learning.

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