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Deploy knowledge management

Go further with Skillagora

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Our team is there for you

Our facilitators are at your side to help you launch your learning communities and accelerate their deployment, with a knowledge management approach.
a woman sitting at a table talking to another woman

Customized diagnostics

Define objectives and KPIs
Understand and grasp the corporate context
Assess resistance and the impact of change
a group of people sitting around a wooden table

Communication and adoption

Position the launch of Skillagora within a global approach and vision
Contextualize and provide keys to understanding (benefits, opportunities, stages, actions implemented, etc.).
two women working on a project together at a table

Training and ownership

Encouraging commitment through a participative approach
Help employees formalize their skills and get to grips with the tool through small-group sessions
a group of people standing around a table with laptops

Measurement, management and sustainability

Monitor community dynamics (#sessions, #content, #likes)
Fostering a culture of sharing
Identify the profiles that make up your agora (amplifier, pollinator, observer, gas pedal)

Looking for speakers to run SkillReveal sessions?

Corporate events are invaluable moments for sharing skills. Would you like to integrate these moments into your teams or your business, HR or L&D events?

Ask our teams to run dedicated sessions.

Customized services

hosted by our collective intelligence facilitators.
Access for 2 months
post-event content.
Personalized follow-up
Feedback and satisfaction questionnaire.

Our facilitators

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"These moments are wonderful
catalysts. They allow us to reconnect with the pleasure of sharing and to gain in maturity, in Learning Culture. They send out a strong message from the company."

your agora

Discover our offers
Free offer from €0
Define your formula
Create your content
Animate your learning community